Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bad Timing

My doorbell rang last Friday around 9 PM. I happened to be home and, figuring it was my roommate or some other tenant having forgotten their key to get inside, I decided to head downstairs and answer.

To my surprise, I was greeted by two well-dressed white males in their 20s, one of whom as carrying a clip-board. They explained that they were representing a state-wide environmental lobby and went on to talk about a bill they were trying to get passed and how they needed my $15 dollars to do it.

I normally don't provide money to solicitors who accost me in person or over the phone, so the chances that these two would ever get anything from me was pretty low to begin with. However, in this instance, the probability that I would part with my money was pretty much zero given the bizarre timing of their request.

Who comes to your door on Friday night to collect money for the environment? Hardly anyone, I would think. First off, most people are either not around on Friday or want to enjoy the start of their weekends by winding down with family, friends or with a good movie or book. So to have someone at your door at that time is a bit unexpected and, as such, a little scary. Indeed, at one point I thought these guys were going to overpower me and then clean out my apartment.

Not only that, I wasn't sure how this strategy was a good idea from their standpoint, either. For a solicitor, I'd bet the returns to going around on a Friday night are quite low since people will either not be around or too shocked/annoyed to want to listen to any kind of pitch.

So I asked the two solicitors: "This is a bit strange. Why are you guys doing this on Friday night?"

Their answer: "The environment never rests."

They still didn't get any money from me.

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